EP 38: Normal is Not a Destination. Think Differently About How You Manage

EP 38: Normal is Not a Destination. Think Differently About How You Manage

The digital age comes with constant change and therefore, you need to be adaptable as a leader so that your team’s sense of normal is flexible.

Today on the Work Smart Club podcast, we are discussing why the idea of ‘normal’ changes all the time and how you can manage differently to suit our changing world.

Tuning in, you’ll hear all about why you need to think in processes, not people, the importance of knowing your value stream, including your team in problem-solving, and how to evaluate your processes to solve problems.

We even discuss the importance of remaining curious as a leader and having curious employees before we delve into how you can combat any resistance to uncertainty you may be experiencing. To hear more about how you can lead in a world where even the way you change things is changing, join us now!

Key Points From This Episode:

  • The opposing demands leaders have to manage. 
  • The mindset shift leaders have to make in business structures and management. 
  • The importance of thinking in processes and not people. 
  • Why leaders need to know their value streams. 
  • Questions to consider when learning about your value stream. 
  • Why leaders are burning out faster nowadays. 
  • A way to think differently about how to manage: bring the team into the problem-solving effort. 
  • How to evaluate your processes and challenges as a leader to make changes. 
  • Why the digital age brings constant change and, therefore, ever-changing normality.
  • Why you want to have curious employees. 
  • A reminder to look inward and see if there is any resistance from within. 
  • How you can handle uncertainty.

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:


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