EP 33: 5 Steps to Measuring and Monitoring Resilience in your Workflow

EP 33: 5 Steps to Measuring and Monitoring Resilience in your Workflow

In the uncertainty and ambiguity of the information war that we find ourselves in, only one thing in the workplace remains constant: rapid change. “Normal“ is now a distant memory as every day we are faced with new obstacles and challenges that test our every resolve. 

The key, then, is resilience, and more specifically, building systems of resilience that will allow us to successfully navigate every unforeseeable twist and turn. 

Resilience is often overlooked, misunderstood, and as a skill, underused. So today, we will be breaking down 5 key steps that will allow you to measure and monitor resilience in your workflow.

We discuss the importance of planning and prioritizing, the ripple effect and how it pertains to workflow, the undeniable value of optimism, and why we need to change the very way that we think and problem-solve. If you have emotional agility, a clear understanding of KPIs and other metrics, and accept that rapid change is the new normal, then you’ll be one step closer to building a system of resilience that will allow you to triumph over the unknown.  

Key Points From This Episode:

  • The uncertainty and ambiguity of the information war that we find ourselves in.
  • Why “normal” is no longer possible. 
  • Resilience as an understated and underused skill. 
  • Why resilience is often overlooked and misunderstood. 
  • Creating adequate systems of resilience. 
  • The importance of setting aside time to plan and prioritize. 
  • How Dr. Howard defines resilience.
  • Planning for disruptions and taking time to think things through. 
  • The ripple effect and how it pertains to workflow. 
  • Collaboration as a skill that should be learned. 
  • How curiosity can help you achieve your objectives. 
  • Why optimistic thinking is a precursor to resilience. 
  • Learning to think differently. 
  • The importance of listening to new ideas and implementing the ones that work. 
  • How to think in terms of systems. 
  • Having a standardized approach to problem-solving. 
  • Why leaders in the workplace need to be flexible and have emotional agility. 
  • Analyzing and understanding KPIs and other metrics. 
  • Recognizing that (rapid) change is the new normal. 

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:


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