EP 24: Leverage Your Past. Do Not Revive It

EP 24: Leverage Your Past. Do Not Revive It

Today on the Work Smart club we talk about transitioning into a new role and why it’s important to leverage your past rather than reviving it. In this new, digital age, we need new ways of thinking about work, leadership, and the common traps that we fall into when entering a new position.

We discuss why you shouldn’t push for solutions without fully understanding the problem, how to avoid falling into familiar traps, clarity as a lever to avoid jumping to solutions, and how to develop mindful attention through self-awareness.

Optimism is a vehicle for bringing your past confidence into your present and it can help with developing important problem-solving skills. You’ll come to understand why past victories should stay in the past, why building relationships is as important as developing strategies, and why learning and revising are essential skills to carry with you in this new era post “the great disruption.“ Be sure to tune in. 

Key Points From This Episode:

  • Why it’s important to leverage your past and how to bring your future into your present. 
  • How a renowned problem-solver flopped at his new role of manager while trying to revive his past.
  • Why we need new ways of thinking about work and leadership. 
  • Common traps that people fall into when transitioning into a new role. 
  • Why you shouldn’t jump to solutions without fully understanding the problem. 
  • How thinking that you know what the problem is may lead to more problems. 
  • What you can do to avoid falling into these traps. 
  • Finding clarity in a pressure situation as a lever to avoid jumping to solutions. 
  • Developing mindful attention and agility through self-awareness.
  • A reminder of the wonders of optimism. 
  • Bringing your past confidence into your present and developing problem-solving skills. 
  • Why what has worked in the past will probably not work in the present. 
  • How it can be detrimental to focus on strategy rather than building relationships.
  • Learning and revising as essential skills in this new, digital age. 
  • The Quickstart Membership and other free resources that are available on the Work Smart Consulting website.

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:


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