EP 20: Why Your Culture at Work Does Not Change

EP 20: Why Your Culture at Work Does Not Change

Just because something is happening all around you doesn’t mean it’s right. If you are part of a company that has a toxic culture, you should either get out as quickly as possible, or do something to change it!

The Great Resignation that is taking place currently was a long time coming with the high levels of disengaged employees and the low satisfaction rate that have plagued the working world for many years.

Workplace culture won’t change unless someone does something about it, and why shouldn’t that someone by you?

I hope this episode encourages you to step out of your blindspot and to use your supernatural powers of faith to be the change! 

Key Points From This Episode:

  • Why I wasn’t surprised by the Great Resignation that is taking place now. 
  • The major blind spot that persists amongst people in executive leadership positions.
  • Benefits of the LEAN 6 Sigma approach. 
  • Exploring the law of gravity in relation to company culture. 
  • What to do if you realize that your company culture is toxic. 
  • Why it is so important to recognize your value.
  • How the power of faith can turn around workplace culture. 
  • A study which showed the physiological effects of a positive attitude. 
  • Don’t wait for change, be the change!

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:


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