EP 14: 10 Ways to Identify Your Strengths (And What to do with Weaknesses)

EP 14: 10 Ways to Identify Your Strengths (And What to do with Weaknesses)

While there is a common perception that people need to work on their weaknesses and not their strengths, today we find out why the opposite is true. In this episode, we talk about how leaders who operate out of their strengths have greater impact and greater influence than those who don’t, and how focusing on your weaknesses just leaves a person feeling tired and drained.

Tuning in you’ll hear the difference between a strength and something you are good at, how you can overdo a strength and wear yourself out, and the vital skill of self-awareness for any leader. You’ll discover a series of questions that you can ask yourself to identify your strengths.

Knowing your strengths not only helps you to identify the right jobs and opportunities to show up as your best self, but it also enables you to help your team to do the same. According to statistics, people who operate out of their strengths on a daily basis are six times more likely to be engaged in their work.

So, to find out how to identify your strengths, what you can do about your weaknesses, and how to help your teamwork through their strengths so that they are empowered and engaged, tune in today!

Key Points From This Episode:

  • Why the common perception that people need to work on their weaknesses and not their strengths is incorrect. 
  • The difference between a strength and something you are good at. 
  • How you can overdo a strength and wear yourself out.
  • How knowing your strengths helps you to identify the right jobs and opportunities to show up as your best self. 
  • A series of questions that you can ask yourself to identify your strengths. 
  • How leaders that do operate out of their strengths recognize that their personal energy is critical to their influence. 
  • The vital skill of self-awareness for any leader. 
  • How as you develop your awareness of your strengths, you will be more confident in helping your team to do the same.
  • A strength-spotting worksheet and some other resources Cynthia recommends.
  • The value of partnering up with people whose strengths and weaknesses complement each other’s strengths and weaknesses. 
  • How people will always be your greatest asset. 
  • How People who operate out of their strengths on a daily basis are six times more likely to be engaged in their work.
  • The strength of pride and the four basic needs of people while they are at work.
  • Why you should consider doing a strengths assessment.
  • How leaders who operate out of their strengths are more effective.
  • An example of some of the strengths you may possess or identify in others. 
  • Why focussing on people’s weaknesses is not the strategy you want to take. 
  • How you can get around the weaknesses by operating out of your strengths.

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:


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