EP 13: Stop Worrying and Pray (Tips on the Best Way To Pray)

EP 13: Stop Worrying and Pray (Tips on the Best Way To Pray)

After the unprecedented events of the past two years, fear and anxiety seem to be at an all-time high. Things are changing rapidly and finding balance in our new normal is still in flux. Fear can be all-consuming. In light of this, in this episode, Cynthia opens up about the daily practice she uses to overcome anxiety: prayer.

Tuning in you’ll hear about the value of knowing God’s word, how the best way to pray is to use God’s word in prayer, and an example of how you can do this.

While people usually use prayer to beg and plead with God, Cynthia explains why this is not productive and how to not let your emotions overcome you.  She also explains the roles of praise and thanksgiving in prayer, before challenging us to try her prayer strategy for two weeks.  

In this episode, you’ll discover the value of praying according to His will, how to determine what that is, and how you can glorify God through living out your purpose as a leader. For a detailed breakdown of how to pray and what to say when you do, tune in today!

Key Points From This Episode:

  • The prevalence of fear and anxiety in today’s world.
  • Cynthia opens up about her daily practice for overcoming fear: prayer.
  • The instruction of how to live every aspect of our life according to the word of God.
  • How to find the best version of the bible for you. 
  • How the best way to pray is to use God’s word in prayer. 
  • An example of how to use God’s word in prayer.
  • Why people usually use prayer to beg and plead and why this is not productive.
  • How to not let your emotions overcome you.  
  • How you build your faith through reading the word. 
  • The roles of praise and thanksgiving in prayer. 
  • Cynthia’s experiment for us: To use a prayer strategy for two weeks and where to find it. 
  • How we can ask for anything in His name. 
  • The value of praying according to His will and how this is the part where people get lost.  
  • How you can glorify God through living out your purpose as a leader.
  • Cynthia’s advice to listeners and leaders: Stop worrying and pray instead. 
  • Cynthia’s closing prayer.


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