EP 06: Burnout is a Clear and Present Danger (7 Signs Burnout is Ahead)

EP 06: Burnout is a Clear and Present Danger (7 Signs Burnout is Ahead)

In this digital age, the boundaries between work and home are blurred, and processes have become more accelerated too. The result of this is that the danger of looming burnout is greater than ever.

In today’s episode of Work Smart Club, Dr. Howard talks about some of the dangers of burnout, shares seven signs that you might be experiencing it, and dishes out the best strategies for avoiding it and recovering from it. We hear about how burnout can decrease productivity, reducing confidence and earning potential, which causes a negative feedback loop that only spirals downward.

You’ll learn how to assess whether you, or your team, are in a cycle of burnout by becoming aware of signs such as indifference, the need to isolate, racing thoughts, the inability to relax, and more.

When it comes to coping strategies, Dr. Howard stresses the importance of taking regular vacations, setting up healthy sleep patterns, prioritizing holistic fulfillment, and other healthy habits. So if you want to learn how to steer clear of burnout or heal from it if you think you have it, be sure to tune in today. Until next time, stay energized and take care of yourself!

Key Points From This Episode:

  • Why it is so easy to slip into burnout.
  • How greatly burnout affects your earning potential.
  • The relief that was caused for people during social interactions pre-lockdown.
  • Some of the warning signs that you are experiencing burnout.
  • Burnout Dr. Howard discovered at a center she assessed and how a solution was found.
  • The role of self-care in fighting burnout and how people struggle to take care of themselves.
  • How a client of Dr. Howard’s was fighting burnout at her job.
  • The importance of having a strategy to manage stress by dealing with it in the moment.
  • Using breathing techniques and prayer to manage stress in the moment.
  • The seven signs of burnout.
  • Working longer hours but getting less done.
  • Feeling numb and indifferent towards people and the quality of your work.
  • Wondering if you have what it takes and the confidence crisis this causes.
  • Thinking more about what could go wrong than right.
  • Isolating and spending less time with people you care about.
  • Being more angry and irritated than usual.
  • Having a racing mind that you cannot turn off.
  • Taking the first steps toward recognizing and remedying burnout.
  • Spending time with supportive people and exercising.
  • How to ask questions to your team to assess if they are burned out.
  • Taking time off and giving yourself breaks to recover.
  • Learning to take responsibility for your wellbeing.
  • Strategies for getting better sleep.
  • Managing the expectations that you have for yourself.
  • How dangerous it is to keep trying to do ‘one more thing.’
  • Balancing remote work with on-site work.

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:


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