Resilience Pyramid: High Performance Advantage

Resilience is the antidote to burnout. It is a set of skills you can learn.

Resilience provides a buffer against the destructive consequences of stress.

What is the Resilience Pyramid?

Dr. Cynthia Howard developed the Resilience Pyramid and Roadmap after working with thousands of professionals, leaders, and high achievers. It lays out 5 levels or steps you can take to active resilience in your everyday life.

This course starts with an assessment so you can plot your baseline in the 5 levels of resilience. You will learn strategies for each level of the pyramid helping you activate your resilience.

Think of resilience as your capacity. It is your battery that keeps you functioning at a high level.

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Course Includes

  • 8 Modules
  • 2 Topics
  • 5 Quizzes