Ei Impact: Emotional Intelligence Assessment & Coaching


The Ei Impact Coaching package includes the world’s most widely used assessment, EQi 2.0, 22 page report along with physical work book and card deck along with small group and coaching. You will have live coaching in small group to strengthen your EI skills and presence as a leader.

You will set up an Action Plan for your continued development. To make this deal even sweeter we are adding a bonus of 100 day membership in our premier network with live coaching, Q & A along with additional resources.



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Emotional intelligence (Ei) is a set of skills attributed to successful leaders. We all have emotional intelligence but must understand how to engage it and develop those blind spots.

Think about a leader you admire … they had a strongly developed Ei and could listen to you and tune into your needs. When you open up to understanding the power dimensions measured using this Ei assessment, you will:

  • Develop a more influential presence
  • Improve your independence and assertiveness
  • Control your under and over-reactions

These are some benefits you will gain from this assessment and coaching.

Taking assessments to learn about your strengths is critical to developing the self-awareness one needs to unlock potential.

The Ei Impact Coaching & Assessment package includes:

  • EQi 2.0 emotional intelligence assessment & 22-page report
  • Physical workbook, 70 pages
  • Leadership Impact workbook, 55 pages
  • Card Deck of the 16 micro-skills within Ei
  • 5 Courses to further detail the information helping you get the most from your report
  • 1:1 Coaching with Ei Coach, 90 minutes. (Value $295).
  • Action Plan for your professional development to equip you for future advancement and promotion
  • 100-day membership in our exclusive network to continue your discussion and learning about emotional intelligence and leadership effectiveness. (Value of $395).

100 Day Access to Courses (Value $395)

  1. The Confidence Course
  2. Assertiveness Toolkit
  3. Optimism Toolkit
  4. 21 Ei Exercises
  5. EQi 2.0 Assessment Review