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Let’s Talk Flow – What It Is and How to Get More Of It


WAIT, Why Am I Talking? (Radical Ways To Manage Communication in a Digital World)


4 Tips to Make a Difference and Have a Positive Impact as a Leader

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EP 11: Do you Measure your Success as a Leader? Here's how.

EP 11: Do you Measure your Success as a Leader? Here’s how.

How do you measure your success as a leader? Very often leaders measure their success by looking at financial data but there’s a lot of…

EP 10: Do you Have a Leadership Brand? Here are the steps

EP 10: Do you Have a Leadership Brand? Here are the steps

Have you heard about a personal brand, but didn’t pay attention because you didn’t think it mattered to you? Do you wonder why some people…

EP 09: Think Outside the Box. Hold an Innovation Lab

EP 09: Think Outside the Box. Hold an Innovation Lab

Thinking outside the box is more than a cliche. During today’s episode, we introduce the Innovation Lab, a process you can use with your team…

EP 08: What does it mean to think outside the box?

EP 08: What does it mean to think outside the box?

Who hasn’t heard the phrase “think outside the box?” We’ve all heard it and, while we would all like to come up with the next…

EP 07: Do You Struggle with Confidence? Is It the Imposter Syndrome or the Orphan Spirit?

EP 07: Do You Struggle with Confidence? Is It the Imposter Syndrome or the Orphan Spirit?

Committing to building authentic confidence is possibly the most important endeavor you will ever embark on. In this world of uncertainty and disruption, many of…

EP 06: Burnout is a Clear and Present Danger (7 Signs Burnout is Ahead)

EP 06: Burnout is a Clear and Present Danger (7 Signs Burnout is Ahead)

In this digital age, the boundaries between work and home are blurred, and processes have become more accelerated too. The result of this is that…

EP 05: Emotional Agility: What is it and the Tragic Consequences Without it

EP 05: Emotional Agility: What is it and the Tragic Consequences Without it

You’ve heard of resilience. You’ve probably heard of emotional intelligence. And you might have heard of emotional agility. In today’s installment of Work Smart, we…

EP 04: Your Most Important Asset: Your Attention

EP 04: Your Most Important Asset: Your Attention

We are living in the age of distraction with the average attention span clocking in at eight seconds! This is killing both our joy and…

EP 03: Getting Unstuck

EP 03: Getting Unstuck

Of the dismal percentage of people who make resolutions, very few actually keep them. So many of us, post-Covid, feel like we’ve lost our ambition,…