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Meeting Makeover: Power Up Your Meetings

Are you ready to transform your meetings into a performance engine?

Leaders can spend 40% of their time in meetings (and sometimes more!) Most of it is wasted according to recent reports.

Let’s Make Meetings Work for You!

Meetings should drive progress. Sadly, they cost time, rarely produce outcomes and do not provide the inspiration or the organization, teams need to accomplish their objectives. They tend to dull momentum and stall progress!

It could be because of poor planning, lack of clarity around purpose, the facilitation during the meeting and someone derails the purpose or having the wrong team members on board. The wrong time, space and format can also derail your progress.

This course takes you through a formula to plan great meetings and offers suggestions on how to make them work for you, instead of you working for them!

About Instructor


We create and deliver content for the members of The Work Smart Club library and network. We are committed to supporting you in your career. Be the best leader you can be.

35 Courses

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Standalone Price is $99

Course Includes

  • 7 Modules
  • 3 Topics