Motivation Mindset

Staying motivated is challenging in this world of disruption and uncertainty. This course is a deep dive into what self-determination and motivation and the many ways you can support it.

Motivation is personal; knowing an individual’s precise motivation is hard to say. What we can say about motivation, is that it is either, based on avoiding something (fear-based), or the desire to get something, (achievement oriented).

While both may produce initial results, when you move toward something you will sustain the momentum and exceed your expectations. This course will help you develop a motivation mindset so you can consistently achieve your goals.

Self-Discipline & Emotional Intelligence

The course will help you understand the elements of self-discipline so you can strengthen yours. It is true that self-discipline is a driving force in motivation. To consistently achieve your goals, one needs to combine self-motivation with self-discipline. Research shows that those considered to be self-motivated, also exhibited self discipline and were more effective in achieving their goals. They were better at problem solving, action planning, decision making and self-regulation.

Goals. Strategies. Success.

We equip you to set goals and implement proven strategies so you experience that breakthrough. If you are serious about building self-discipline and increasing your motivation, this course will help you achieve that.

We include online resources, video, audio, quizzes, and an amazing e-book to help you understand how to build your motivation mindset.

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Course Includes

  • 9 Modules
  • 2 Topics
  • 2 Quizzes