Provide a roadmap to power up your capacity and activate your resilience.
As a result of this course, you will:
- Learn why resilience is a missing link in successful leadership.
- Identify common energy drains at work.
- Develop a healthy sense of optimism.
Resilience is the foundation for emotional agility and leadership effectiveness. You cannot outperform your capacity and if you are stressed, distracted or overwhelmed, your leadership fails to deliver.
Why Resilience?
This is one of the most underused skill sets in leaders and in today’s accelerated workplace, it is essential. Because of the negative consequences of the stress reaction, this course covers:
- Energy drains
- Thinking bias
- Habits
- Optimism, your untapped resource
We will provide strategies resilient leaders need to show up at their best.
You will learn how your best decisions get skewed and have strategies to manage your energy. As you increase your self-awareness, you increase your situational awareness.
The Resilient Leader equips you to energize your leadership in a demanding environment.