5 Tips to Turn On Your Purpose (The Way to Living a Resilient Life)

5 Tips to Turn On Your Purpose (The Way to Living a Resilient Life)

Connecting with your purpose is the beginning of living a resilient life.  Purpose is defined as “something created for a reason.” Living life on purpose can be a challenge in the age of distraction and constant busyness.  As you read through this article, take the time to reflect on how your life is going.

Living a life on purpose  creates satisfaction and meaning even when you are being challenged.

As an Executive Coach, I have worked with scores of people who have struggled defining their purpose. If you would like to define your purpose or live a life with more meaning, check out the 5 tips below.

Think of your purpose is your personal mission statement.

I see many people overthink their purpose and others, ignore it.

Here are 5 tips to help you tune in and turn on your purpose.

1. Do not confuse talent with purpose.

Just because you are good at something, doesn’t mean you should be doing it. Very often, people are using their “learned behaviors,” talents and competencies they developed because of the job. These learned behaviors are not energizing.

Strengths are those natural abilities that energize you. You may have a job that uses your strengths, and you may be in a role you do well, however you are not energized by it.

Curious about your strengths? Take our Strengths Profile and discover your Strengths, Learned Behaviors, Unrealized Strengths and Weaknesses.

This is a powerful assessment that identifies what naturally energizes you!

2. Do not confuse busyness with being productive.

Allow yourself time in your day to think. Most people are addicted to being busy. Compulsive doing is epidemic especially among women. I have to admit, I love the feeling of getting things done. And yet, it leaves little time to question whether what you are doing is what will ultimately feed your spirit.

3. What makes you happy?

What do you enjoy doing? What did you like to do as a child?  How does it make you feel to do these things? While these activities may not end up being your “work,” the more you can engage in them, in your off time, the greater you will increase your playfulness and creativity.

4. Share your passion and joy!

Have you ever talked with someone who was excited about what they were doing? Sharing your passion creates a contagion of good feelings.  The more you share your passion, the deeper you will understand it and clarify it. It also helps you pull in others who are like minded.

The more time you spend complaining about what is not working, the more you turn off the feelings that will renew and refresh you.

5. Live by faith. Faith is the belief in things unseen.

Trust in yourself. Believe in your dream. Connect with the divine wisdom of your heart and soul. If you discount your strengths, and ignore your impulses to be creative, you will stop hearing this deeper wisdom. Be still and listen.

Discovering your purpose is about growing beyond your fears and limited thinking. Living a life on purpose is not mystical or magic. It is the result of getting to know yourself better and defining what makes you happy.

So often life is spent focused on what other people want for you, or worrying about things that may never happen, and you waste your passion. Do something every day that inspires you.

Connecting with your purpose is the beginning of living and leading a resilient life. I hope these 5 steps simplify the process. If you get stuck, let me know, we can work it out together in a strategy call!

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5 Tips to Turn On Your Purpose


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