Case Study: No Pipeline. Turnover. Poor Quality.

Case Study: No Pipeline. Turnover. Poor Quality.


“I am afraid to find out what my emotional intelligence is.” Unaware of his impact on faculty and department heads, there was communication breakdown and stagnation. 


The turnover increased by 25% causing a review of the resource drain by the Board.  The executive convinced himself there was a need for a new solution.


1.) Assessments beginning with emotional intelligence. We also provided Conflict assessment for the next level of leaders (5 Directors)

2.) Executive coaching, 1:1 for the executive. Group coaching for the directors.

3.) Emotional Effectiveness training

4.) Implementation of 100-Day Roadmap.


As a result of open conversation with the directors regarding performance expectations they mobilized and were eager to put a 100-day plan in place for responsibilities, reporting structures and clearly defined expectations.

Together with the executive this energized leadership team developed leadership competencies and put a succession plan in place. Having this pipeline established they were better prepared to delegate to their direct reports and get help advancing strategic objectives.

Sandwich Stress

This executive was experiencing what many do and this is being wedged in between the demands of performance and the need to relate with and nurture staff.  Prior to coaching, the executive experienced some powerlessness and stalled in taking action.

During our coaching he acknowledged that he vacillated between pushing people too hard and backing off all together, leaving his leaders confused about who he was and what he wanted.

The assessments provided a greater awareness regarding his strengths, his natural leadership style, and opened up possibilities for how to move forward. 

Small Group Coaching

Coaching leaders in a small group can be powerful, especially when it is important for leaders to grow together as a team.

In this case the directors were empowered to start solving the problems their direct reports were having which was contributing to turnover.

Strategic Retreat

With the progress this team saw, there are plans to hold a retreat so the newly energized leadership team can dive deeper into their mission and vision and build on their recent collaboration.

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