Case Study: CNO First 100 Days

Case Study: CNO First 100 Days


Organization in transition. Conflict and confusion within departments. Need for decisiveness. Worried about stepping on people’s toes.


Assessments, Executive coaching
EQi 2.0: Emotional Intelligence Assessment; HRG: Hardiness, Resilience Gauge; Strengths Profile
Clarified strategic goals and leadership strengths. Increased self-awareness of triggers that derail best decisions.
100-day map; organize for complexity and change


Emotional agility. Increased focus and confidence enabling the ability to quickly establish trust with her team.

”Knowing my triggers and having a plan to manage my reactions took pressure off me.

This executive, in a medium sized hospital, part of a large healthcare system, was brought in to stabilize the department, and improve important benchmarks. Dealing with recent turnover in the C suite was a big challenge. She moved from her home of 15 years, and was in the process of getting to know her new community. Feeling uprooted, she also lost an important mentor in that transition.

Coaching was indeed a life line to this executive, facilitating the transition both strategically and emotionally. Not wanting to increase any tension, she would get stuck in decision paralysis. There were Directors that needed to be moved out and a department to restructure.

Fortunately coaching provided the needed support to quickly move beyond the paralysis and set up her agenda.

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