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Struggling with the Imposter Syndrome?
You may be surprised to learn… you are not alone. Just about everyone experiences the passing feeling that they may not have what it takes.…

What You Need to Know About Emotional Intelligence
Employees with a manager who has a high level of emotional intelligence (EI) are 400% less likely to leave their jobs compared to those with

3 Tips to Get Over Your Fear of Conflict and LEAD!
The majority of people do not like conflict. You are not alone in your dislike to confront angry people or a tough situation. But, you…

Are You Type A? 5 Signs You Are.
Type A is short for the driven person who is usually in a rush, often coming across as aggressive and short tempered. Type A’s are…

3 Simple Steps To Getting More Done
Keeping it simple is difficult. Look around – is there clutter? Books or papers piled up? Do you have to search for your keys? Look…

Defining Leadership: Setting Performance Milestones
Are you seeing your leaders’ full potential come through in day to day operations? If you are not, where is the breakdown? It is likely…

Translating the Strategic Plan into Strategic Goals and Daily Strategies
In the digital age of GPS, reading a map is one of the skills that is almost extinct. While a GPS is an amazing tool,…

7 Tips to Deal with Conflict at Work
You know the type. This co-worker passes by you without saying hello. They are agreeable about taking on tasks, and then don’t do the work.…

What Does Passive Aggressiveness Look Like?
In a nutshell, passive aggressiveness is an indirect way to express anger. In the workplace, this replaces the outright display of conflict and confrontation. When…